lecture 1 Introduction to NLP and DL
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
NLP is a field at the intersection of cs, ai and linguistics
Goal: for computers to process or “understand” natural language in order to perform tasks that are useful
- Performing Tasks, like making appointments, buying things
- Question Answering
NLP levels
- Spell checking, keyword search, finding synonyms
- Extracting information
- Classifying
- Machine translation
- Spoken dialog systems
- Complex question answering
- …
Human language
A human language is a system specifically constructed to convey the speaker/writer’s meaning
- No just an environment signal, it’s a deliberate communication
- Using an encoding which little kids can quickly learn(amazingly)
A human language is a discrete/symbolic/categorical signaling system
The categorical symbols of a language can be encoded as a signal for communication in several ways:
- Sound
- Gesture
- Images(writing)
The symbol is invariant across different encodings!
The large vocabulary, symbolic encoding of words creates a problem for machine learning-sparsity!
Deep learning
The first breakthrough results of “deep learning” on large datasets happened in speech recognition
Context-Dependent Pre-trained Deep Neural Network for Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition, Dahl et al.(2010)
Why is NLP hard
- Complexity in representing, learning and using linguistic/situational/world/visual knowledge
- Human languages are ambiguous (unlike programming and other formal languages)
- Human language interpretation depends on real world, common sense, and contextual knowledge
Deep NLP = Deep Learning + NLP
Combine ideas and goals of NLP with using representation learning and deep learning methods to solve them
Several big improvements in recent years in NLP with different
- Levels: speech, words, syntax, semantics
- Tools: parts-of-speech, entities, parsing
- Applications: machine translation, sentiment analysis, dialogue agents, question answering
Representations of NLP levels: Semantics
- Traditional: Lambda calculus
- Carefully engineered functions
- Take as inputs specific other functions
- No notion of similarity or fuzziness of language
- DL:
- Every word and every phrase and every logical expression is a vector
- A neural network combines two vectors into one vector
NLP Application: Sentiment Analysis
- Traditional: Curated sentiment dictionaries combined with bag-of-words representations(ignoring word order) or hand designed negation features
- Same deep learning models that was used for morphology, syntax and logical semantics can be used! $\rightarrow$ RecursiveNN
Question Answering
- Traditional: A lot of feature engineering to capture world and other knowledge, e.g., regular expressions, Berant et al.(2014)
- DL: Again, a deep learning architecture can be used!
- Facts are stored in vectors
Dialogue agents/Response Generation
- A simple, successful example is the auto-replies available in the Google Inbox app
- An application of the powerful, general technique of Neural Language Models, which are an instance of RNN
Machine Translation
- Many levels of translation have been tried in the past
- Traditional MT systems are large complex systems